Course Materials

  Radiofrequency Measurements


Recommended book:

Modern RF and Microwave Measurement Techniques

Edited by V. Teppati, A. Ferrero, M. Sayed

Cambridge University Press 2013


Slides and handouts in English


SLIDES: Scattering Parameters


SLIDES: RF Power measurements


SLIDES: Insertion loss


SLIDES: Mixers


SLIDES: Reflection Measurements


SLIDES: Impedance Measurements

SLIDES: Network Analyzers


SLIDES: Spectrum Analyzers


SLIDES: Frequency Synthesizers


SLIDES: Time Domain Reflectometry


Power measurements - Agilent application notes:

-Introduction to Power, History, Definitions

-Power Sensors and Instrumentation

-Available Power; Power Measurement Uncertainty

-An Overview of Instrumentation for RF/Microwave Power Measurements


Working principle of a diode power meter

Datasheet of a diode power sensor

Attenuators and mismatch error

(Mixer a radiofrequenza - Italiano)

Fundamentals of mixers application note Agilent

Mixer Basics Primer

Mixer: Characteristics and Performance

Mixer: Theory and Technology

Impedance Measurements –Extract from Agilent Technologies Impedance Measurement Handbook

(Conversione di frequenza, misure RF I-V, analiz. di rete, 220 kB)

Network Analyzers - Agilent application notes:


-Exploring the Architectures of Network Analyzers

-Applying Error Correction to Network Analyzer

-Measurement examples

Slides on Network Analyzer, with notes from Agilent


Spectrum Analysis Basics application note Agilent
Slides on Spectrum Analyzer, with notes
from Agilent

Tutorial on Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer  from Tektronics


Foundamentals of Quartz oscillator application note Agilent

(Sintesi di frequenza, 192 kB)


Time Domain Reflectometry application note Agilent


 Altri appunti e dispense (corso in Italiano fino al 2014)


(Giunzioni, 180 kB)
(Appunti a mano su giunzioni, 500 kB)
(Accoppiatore direzionale, 150 kB)
(Misure di potenza a RF, 700 kB)
(Misure di potenza con termocoppie, 370 kB)
-Estratto da application note Agilent
(Misure di potenza con diodi, 460 kB)-Estratto da application note Agilent
(Principio di funzionamento di rivelatore a diodo, 113 kB)
(Attenuatori, 80 kB)

(Mixer a radiofrequenza, 270 kB)
(Conversione di frequenza, misure RF I-V, analiz. di rete, 220 kB)
(Quarzi, 89 kB)

(Sintesi di frequenza, 192 kB)

Appunti dell’Ing. Binda, (parte 1 15 MB) (parte 2 19 MB)
(A.A. 2005/06, manca TDR ed è stata tolta la parte su 6 porte)




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